
 作者:陈健 编辑:陈健  发布日期:2022年09月08日 浏览次数:

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刘新圣,博士,教授,博士生导师。2005年毕业于北京林业大学获环境科学学士学位,2011年在中国科学院青藏高研究所获自然地理学博士学位。2011–2014年在中国科学院青藏高原研究所从事博士后研究工作,2019–2020年在美国内华达大学里诺分校树轮实验室作访问学者。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项、省部级项目6项。作为骨干参与科技部973计划、国家自然科学基金重点项目等课题15项。在Forest Ecology and ManagementAgricultural and Forest MeteorologyScience of the Total EnvironmentDendrochronologiaFrontiers in Plant Science、植物生态学报、生态学报、地理学报等国内外主流期刊发表论文40余篇,论著3部。










1. 国家自然科学基金:江西山地优势针阔叶树种径向生长对季节性干旱响应机制及其气候阈值的比较研究(419610082020-2023),主持,结题。

2. 国家自然科学基金:庐山不同海拔黄山松树木年内径向生长动态及其对环境因子的响应(415610112016-2019),主持,结题。

3. 安徽省自然科学基金气候变暖下亚热带山地黄山松树木死亡的海拔分异及生理生态机制(2408085MD0962024-2027),主持,在研。

4. 江西省自然科学基金:庐山主要针叶树种年内径向生长对季节性干旱的响应及机制(20192BAB2030212019-2021),主持,结题。

5. 江西省自然科学基金:藏东南不同海拔急尖长苞冷杉树轮生长对生长季早期温度变化的敏感性比较研究(20151BAB2130292015-2017),主持,结题。

6. 中国博士后科学基金:色季拉山林线树木径向生长的气候限制阈值研究(2012M5203992012-2014),主持,结题。

7. 安徽省高等学校科学研究重大项目:中亚热带典型针阔叶树种树木生长和水分利用的耦合机制研究 (2023AH040020,2023-2026),主持,在研。

8. 安徽省新时代育人质量工程项目(2023dshwyx011,2024-2025),主持。


1. 科技部973计划课题:全球变化影响下自然生态系统的脆弱性及评价指标(2010CB951301),结题,主要完成人。

2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:高寒草地生态系统生产力维持和提高的关键过程及其机理研究(41230750),结题,参与。

3. 国家自然科学基金:西藏干旱半干旱地区变色锦鸡儿灌丛树轮宽度对生产力的长期变化的指示 (41471039),结题,参与。

4. 国家自然科学基金:叶碳同位素对高寒草甸生产力年际变化及海报分异的指示(31170451),结题,参与。

5. 国家自然科学基金:土壤低温阈值对高山林线的指示意义(40671069),结题,参与。

6. 国家自然科学基金:藏东南色季拉山林线树木形成层活动对气候变化的指示(30670383),结题,参与。


Frontiers in Plant Science (section Functional Plant Ecology) Review Editor



1. Fu Dina, Zhang Wenpeng, Liu Xinsheng*, Zhao Yesi, Sun Lian, Zhang Sirui, Chen Zilong. 2024. Intra-annual growth dynamics and climatic response of leaves, shoots and stems in Quercus serrata on Lushan Mountain, subtropical China. Submitted.

2. Liu Xinsheng, Emanuele Ziaco, Franco Biondi*. 2023. Stomatal regulation and xylem hydraulics of limber pine and Engelmann spruce in Great Basin sky-island ecosystems. Science of the total Environment 892:164351.

3. Emanuele Ziaco*, Liu Xinsheng, Franco Biondi. 2023. Dendroanatomy of xylem hydraulics in two pine species: efficiency prevails on safety for basal area growth in drought-prone conditions. Dendrochronologia 81:126116.

4. Liu Xinsheng, Franco Biondi*. 2021. Inter-specific transpiration differences between aspen, spruce, and pine in a sky-island ecosystem of the North American Great Basin. Forest Ecology and Management 491:119157.

5. Liu Xinsheng, Emanuele Ziaco, Franco Biondi*. 2021. Water-use efficiency of co-occurring sky-island pine species in the North American Great Basin. Frontiers in Plant Science 12:787297.

6. Liu Xinsheng, Franco Biondi*. 2020. Transpiration drivers of high-elevation five-needle pines (Pinus longaeva and Pinus flexilis) in sky-island ecosystems of the North American Great Basin. Science of the Total Environment 739:139861.

7. Liu Xinsheng*, Wang Chunsong, Zhao Junkai. 2019. Seasonal Drought Effects on Intra-Annual Stem Growth of Taiwan Pine along an Elevational Gradient in Subtropical China. Forests, 10(12):1128.

8. Liu Xinsheng*, Nie Yuqing, Wen Feng. 2018. Seasonal Dynamics of Stem Radial Increment of Pinus taiwanensis Hayata and Its Response to Environmental Factors in the Lushan Mountains, Southeastern China. Forests, 9:387.

9. Luo Tianxiang*, Liu Xinsheng, Zhang Lin, Li Xiang, Yude Pan, Ian J. Wright. 2018. Summer solstice marks a seasonal shift in temperature sensitivity of stem growth and nitrogen-use efficiency in cold-limited forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 248:469-478.

10. Liu Xinsheng*, Nie Yuqin, Kong Gaoqiang, Luo Tianxiang. 2016. Contrasting changes in above- and below-ground biomass allocation across treeline ecotones in southeast Tibet. Journal of Mountain Science, 13(11):2036-2045.

11. Liu Xinsheng*, Nie Yuqing, Luo Tianxiang, Yu Jiehui, Shen Wei, Zhang Lin. 2016. Seasonal shift in climatic limiting factors on tree transpiration: evidence from sap flow observations at alpine treelines in southeast Tibet. Frontiers in Plant Science 7:1018.

12. Liu Xinsheng, Luo Tianxiang*. 2011. Spatiotemporal Variability of Soil Temperature and Moisture across two Contrasting Timberline Ecotones in the Sergyemla Mountains, Southeast Tibet. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 43(2):229-238.

13. 张亦赟,刘新圣*,符迪娜,方凤满,吴东磊,骆菲菲. 2024.青藏高原1951-2011年生长季低温事件的时空分异及影响因素. 生态学报, 44(20):9029-9038.

14. 景梦洁,赵旺林,刘新圣,张林*.2024. 西藏原始墨脱冷杉林微气候特征. 高原科学研究, 26(1):18-28.

15. 刘新圣*, 蔡路路, 张亦赟, 张林. 2023. 黄山松林生物量随海拔梯度的变化特征. 森林与环境学报43(5):516-522.

16. 刘新圣*,聂玉琴,邱秀文,文锋,张林,罗天祥.2015. 基于树木径向生长仪技术监测高寒地区树木生理活动的研究进展.世界林业研究28:19-25.

17. 刘新圣*,张林,孔高强,罗天祥.2011. 藏东南色季拉山急尖长苞冷杉林线地带地上生物量随海拔的变化特征.山地学报 29:362-368.

18. Wang Chunsong, Zheng Zhuangpeng, Zhou Feifei, Liu Xinsheng, Patrick Fonti, Gao jiani, Fang Keyan. 2023. Intra-annual Wood Formation Dynamic of Opposite and Compression Wood of Pinus massoniana Lamb. in Humid Subtropical China. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 6:1224838.

19. Zhang Lin, Cui Guangshuai, Shen Wei, Liu Xinsheng. 2016. Cover as a simple predictor of biomass for two shrubs in Tibet. Ecological Indicators, 64:266-271.

20. Shen Wei, Zhang Lin, Liu Xinsheng, Luo Tianxiang. 2014. Seed-based treeline seedlings are vulnerable to freezing events in the early growing season under a warmer climate: evidence from a reciprocal transplant experiment in the Sergyemla Mountains, southeast Tibet. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 187:83-92.

21. Kong Gaoqiang, Luo Tianxiang, Liu Xinsheng, Zhang Lin, Liang Eryuan. 2012. Annual ring widths are good predictors of changes in net primary productivity of alpine Rhododendron shrubs in the Sergyemla Mountains, southeast Tibet. Plant Ecology 213: 1843–1855.

22. Zhang Lin, Luo Tianxiang, Liu Xinsheng, Wang Yun. 2012. Altitudinal variation in leaf construction cost and energy content of Bergenia purpurascens. Acta Oecologica, 43: 72-79.

23. Zhang Lin, Liu Xinsheng. 2010. Non-destructive leaf-area estimation for Bergenia purpurascens across timberline ecotone, southeast Tibet. Annales Botanici Fennici, 47(5):346-352.

24. Zhang Lin, Luo Tianxiang, Liu Xinsheng, Kong Gaoqiang. 2010. Altitudinal variations in seedling and sapling density and age structure of timberline tree species in the Sergyemla Mountains, southeast Tibet. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 30:76-80.

25. 崔光帅,张林,沈维,刘新圣,王媛韬. 2017. 西藏雅鲁藏布江流域中段砂生槐灌丛生物量分配及碳密度.植物生态学报41(1):53-61.

26. 王媛韬,张林,沈维,刘新圣,罗天祥. 2017.藏东南色季拉山林线过渡带生长季低温事件的海拔分布特征.山地学报35(3):308-315.

27. 张林,阎恩荣,魏海霞,刘新圣,沈维. 2014. 藏东南色季拉山林线过渡带7种灌木植物的叶氮回收潜力. 植物生态学报38(12):1325-1332.

28. 俞洁辉,刘新圣,罗天祥,张林. 2012. 念青唐古拉山北麓草甸海拔分布上限土壤温湿度的季节变化.地理学报, 67(9): 1246-1254.


1. 高山林线形成和变化机制. 2025. 北京:科学出版社. 副主编.

2. 全球变化对生态系统生产力的影响. 见:《中国当代生态学研究 ·全球变化生态学卷》,李文华主编. 2013. 北京:科学出版社. 参编.


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