
 作者:李小文 编辑:李小文  预审:陈健  发布日期:2017年06月24日 浏览次数:

 姓  名 汪勇 地科-汪勇 
 性  别 男 
 出生年月 1983 
 职  称 副教授 
 职  务
 最终学历 博士研究生
 学  位 博士学位
 电  话

[email protected]







20167月至今,安徽师范大学竞彩网 ,教师;






201911—202011月,美国布朗大学地球环境与行星科学系访问学者,邀请人:Yongsong Huang教授;

20135月,斯洛文尼亚国家生物研究所学术访问,邀请人:Anton Brancelj教授;

200912月,日本东海大学学术访问,邀请人:Mitsugu Nishimura教授。











  1. Yong Wang*, Junbo Wang*, Liping Zhu, Xiao Lin, Jianfang Hu, Qingfeng Ma, Jianting Ju, Ping Peng, Ruimin Yang. Mid- to late Holocene paleoenvironmental changes inferred from organic geochemical proxies in Lake Tangra Yumco, Central Tibetan Plateau. The Holocene, 2017, 27: 1475-1486.

  2. Yong Wang*, Liping Zhu*, Junbo Wang, Jianting Ju, Ping Peng, Xiao Lin, Jianfang Hu, Mitsugu Nishimura. Paleohydrological processes revealed by n-alkane δD in lacustrine sediments of Lake Pumoyum Co, southern Tibetan Plateau, and their response to climate changes during the past 18.5 cal ka. Journal of Paleolimnology, 2016, 56: 223-238.

  3. Yong Wang, Liping Zhu*, Junbo Wang, Jianting Ju, Xiao Lin. The spatial distribution and sedimentary processes of organic matter in surface sediments of Nam Co, Central Tibetan Plateau. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2012, 57: 4753-4764.

  4. 汪勇, 朱立平*, 王君波, 鞠建廷, 林晓. 青藏高原中部纳木错湖泊表层沉积物有机质空间分布及其揭示的沉积过程. 科学通报, 2012, 57: 3090-3099.

  5. Qingfeng Ma, Liping Zhu, Junbo Wang, Jianting Ju, Yong Wang, Xinmiao Lü, Thomas Kasper, Torsten Haberzettl. Late Holocene vegetation responses to climate change and human impact on the central Tibetan Plateau. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 708: 135370.

  6. Ayush Raj Gyawali, Junbo Wang, Qingfeng Ma, Yong Wang, Teng Xu, Yun Guo, Liping Zhu. Paleo-environmental change since the Late Glacial inferred from lacustrine sediment in Selin Co, central Tibet. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2019, 516: 101-112.

  7. Junbo Wang, Lei Huang, Jianting Ju, Gerhard Daut, Yong Wang, Qingfeng Ma, Liping Zhu, Torsten Haberzettl, Jussi Baade, Roland Mäusbacher. Spatial and temporal variations in water temperature in a high-altitude deep dimictic mountain lake (Nam Co), central Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 2019, 45: 212-223.

  8. Junbo Wang*, Liping Zhu, Yong Wang, Ping Peng, Qingfeng Ma, Torsten Haberzettl, Thomas Kasper, Testsuya Matsunaka, Toshio Nakamura. Variability of the 14C reservoir effects in Lake Tangra Yumco, Central Tibet (China), determined from recent sedimentation rates and dating of plant fossils. Quaternary International, 2017, 430: 3-11.

  9. Qingfeng Ma*,Liping Zhu, Xinmiao Lu, Yong Wang, Yun Guo, Junbo Wang, Jianting Ju, Ping Peng and Lingyu Tang. 2016. Modern pollen assemblages from surface lake sediments and their environmental implications on the southwestern Tibetan Plateau. Boreas, 2017, 46: 242-253.

  10. Junbo Wang*, Liping Zhu, Yong Wang, Jianting Ju, Gerhard Daut, Minghui Li. Spatial variability and the controlling mechanisms of surface sediments from Nam Co, central Tibetan Plateau, China. Sedimentary Geology, 2015, 319: 69-77.

  11. Xing Hu, Liping Zhu*, Yong Wang, Junbo Wang, Ping Peng, Qingfeng Ma, Jianfang Hu, Xiao. Lin Climatic significance of n-alkanes and their compound-specific δD values from lake surface sediments on the Southwestern Tibetan Plateau. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59: 3022-3033.



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